Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira

An Ever-Growing Love of the Church

To know the Church in all its resplendence it is necessary, at a certain point, to sense in one’s...

God’s Chosen Ones

I would like to reflect on one of the Beatitudes: “Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice’ sake,...

Regal and Victorious Presence of the Divine Infant

A Child is about to be born in Bethlehem! What can we say about this event? When the Word...

The Authentic Manner of Exercising Authority

Command, understood in its strict sense, is the power of a person invested with religious or civil authority –...

Called to Render Great Service to the Church

There are two positions of God in relation to men. Some fall under what we call general providence; others...

The Interrelationship of the Three Archangels

We may ask ourselves what relationship exists between the respective roles of the three Archangels: St. Michael, St. Gabriel...

A Grace that Marked His Life

On December 2 of 1967, Dr. Plinio was compelled to cancel the Saturday meeting he customary held for his...

The Historical Role of Providential Men

In a broad sense, all men are providential, because they serve the designs of God. However, there is a...

The Perfect Priest

Iam going to speak about the fullness of the priesthood. And this consideration takes me back to the darkest...

The Heavenly Court, Archetype of Earthly Realities

To avoid sinking into despair, the human spirit needs to find repose in dignified and well-ordered things. Let...

The Devotion of the Holy Rosary – Masterpiece of Catholic Spirituality

The devotion of the Rosary has tremendous power and substance. It does not involve merely emotions, but is serious...

Reflection of God in Temporal Society

To perceive the excellence of every creature and appreciate the aspect by which it reflects God is a...

The Inebriating Joy of Christmas

In the hope of reviving confidence in a new flourishing on earth of the sacral atmosphere of Christmases of...

Model of Catholic Journalism in the Fight for the Church

Dr. Plinio’s desire to serve the Church wisely and effectively turned a simple parish publication called “Legionário” into Brazil’s...

A Prayer to Move the Heart of Mary

At the end of the 60s, it was Dr. Plinio’s custom to invite some of his disciples, including some...

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